
Certificate in Effective Report Writing for Internal Auditors

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نبذة عن الدورة التدريبية

This course is designed to help internal auditors to understand best practices in internal audit reporting. This course also provides knowledge to demonstrate your ability to:
→ Develop a collaborative approach while completing the audit
→ Enhance your communication skills
→ Focus on core findings to maximize outcomes
→ Focus on strategic organizational risks while reporting
→ Add value for your organization and for the auditee

المخرجات الرئيسية

Understand key elements of the audit report.
Learn executive summaries approaches.
Write reports with impact and concision.
Produce effective reporting supporting the official report.
Prepare an efficient follow-up process with the organization.

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
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LEORON Professional Development Institute DMCC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

محتوى الدورة التدريبية

Part 1
Audit Reports
The 5 dilemmas of audit reporting What is a best practice report? Top tips – communicating results The challenges of audit reporting Grabbing attention Getting the message across Getting action The need for impact Ideas on creating impact What management expect – recent survey of chief executive IIA professional standards
The Problems with Audit Reports
The 35 questions (all based on best practice) – how did you score? What are the factors preventing the achievement of these best practice measures 30 tips, techniques and ideas to help you score a maximum - How to get 95% of recommendations implemented - Use of charts and photos - Dealing with minor issues - Future focus - Order of importance of the issues - Actions rather than recommendations - Action plans Discussion of the implications How to assess the needs of the audit customerss
Exercise 1: 35 questions about your audit reports issued during the last 12 months
The Executive Summary
The role of the executive summary 20 tips for writing better summaries Targeting the executive summary to the reader The benefits of writing the executive summary before the main report Asking a non-technical person to read it
Exercise 2: Comparison of three executive summaries
Part 2
Best Practices Internal Audit Reports Developing A Collaborative, Consultative Style
The psychological problem with reports The need to meet and hopefully exceed management expectations The need to focus on benefits rather than problems Marketing the audit reporting process An example presentation will be shared Relationships with management Expressing yourself effectively The need to drive action Creating rapport with your customers – tips and techniques The need to understand the people receiving the reports
Exercise 3: The psychology of reports
Writing Reports with Impact
Messages rather than content Outcomes rather than output Solutions not problems Auditor and reader mindsets Why audit reports are taken as a criticism of management Ways to make the reports more positive Benefits and deliverables Conclusions How to draft a report with impact – discussion of banner headlines and their relative impact Language and impact Simple and complex language The use of ‘power words’ in your communications How to get on the same wavelength as your customer Highlighting the issues that matter Audit observations New paper on audit observations will be shared Causes and effects
Exercise 4: Causes and effects exercise
The Main Report
Keeping it simple The report process Writing the main report Dealing with writer’s block Audit objectives Scope Forming and expressing the audit opinion Wording tips Tone Writing effective coherent sentences and paragraphs The editing process – tips for success The power of senior management comments Circulation lists Formatting ideas How to avoid repeating any sections in the executive summary Words and phrases to avoid How to reduce the number of words Why the spellchecker sometimes does not help you Dealing with the difficulties of the English language
Finalizing The Report
Recommendations and actions plans Management comments How to reflect the right issues for the Audit Committee Audit Committee report examples The need to be on your customers’ side Follow up audits – using the action plan How to get management to take responsibility for actions Ways to improve the follow-up process Issuing the report Presenting or issuing reports including the use of e-mail and the Intranet Alternative methods of reporting e.g. PowerPoint Examples of excellent reports will be provided Reporting performance indicators Tracking actions Steps to success

على من يجب الحضور؟

This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for
Professionals in internal audit functions who would like to learn best practices in report writing in order to close the audit process adequately

الدورات ذات الصلة

أسئلة شائعة

What language will the course be taught in and what level of English do I need to take part in an LEORON training program?
Most of our public courses are delivered in English language. You need to be proficient in English to be able to fully participate in the workshop and network with other delegates. For in-house courses we have the capability to train in Arabic, Dutch, German and Portuguese.
Are LEORON Public courses certified by an official body/organization?
LEORON Institute partners with 20+ international bodies and associations.We also award continuing professional development credits (CPE/PDUs) for:1. NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy) 2. Project Management Institute PDUs 3. CISI credits 4. GARP credits 5. HRCI recertification credits 6. SHRM recertification credits
What is the deadline for registering to a public course?
The deadline to register for a public course is 14 days before the course starts. Kindly note that occasionally we do accept late registrations as well, but this needs to be confirmed with the project manager of the training program or with our registration desk that can be reached at +1071 4 1075 5711 or
What does the course fee cover?
The course fee covers a premium training experience in a 5-star hotel, learning materials, lunches & refreshments, and for some courses, the certification fee and membership with the accrediting bodies.
Does LEORON give discounts?
Yes, we can provide discounts for group bookings. If you would like to discuss a discount on a corporate level, we will be happy to talk to you.


  • عرض:
    I would like to thank you for last week's thorough and well organized training. The material was very interesting and the discussions were truly inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the visual illustrations, which made the content easily understandable. Please thank on my behalf everyone who was involved in the preparation and execution of the training. You have all done a wonderful job. I look forward to attend future trainings given the opportunity. Sincerely, -Oman Oil Marketing Company
    Samah Al Shahaibi
    Quality Assurance Executive
  • عرض:
    The benefits and strength of the training content is huge, also the trainer was very helpful. LEORON is so professional and a leader in the training field.
    Hisham Abbas Hassanean Ali Mohammed
    Operation Assurance Manager, Mobily, KSA